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Palabra del Día Número 1 (uno) en Español: La Manzana

Fecha: Enero 1, 2018

La palabra del día es la manzana.

En inglés manzana significa apple.

Frase: Compran manzanas.

Traducción: They buy apples.

La sonida por Google Translate: la manzana 🔊


Is your New Year’s Resolution to learn Spanish?  Well, I plan to blog 365 words over the next year.  By itself, this won’t be enough, but it will help you on your journey.  I’ll post other resources in a later blog.

This is the first day of the “Spanish Word of the Day”. There will be a daily word, and a weekly summary to review all the words for the past week. The same format will be used everyday.  Repetition is important when learning anything, but it is crucial when learning a second language.  Here’s the format in English:

Date: January 1, 2018

The word of the day is manzana.

In English manzana means apple.

Sentence: Compran manzanas.

Translation: They buy apples.

The sound by Google Translate: manzana 🔊

I could not find any free (not copyrighted) audio so you’ll have to click through to Google and press the audio button.

Finally,  let me know in the comments or via email. If enough people are interested, I’ll set something up.

Here’s the direct link to return to daily: http://h4labs.org/category/spanish/